I tryed to keep as simple as possible since I still learning the basics of maya, I did't want to embarass myself so step by step here is my storyboard turned into animatic...the draws were done very quick...I left details for another ocasion, hope you understand...
This how the scene it's gonna be set up...

The story relates to a ball that is cause mass confusion when is kikcked inside an house, going the through a open window...hitting the floor lamp...
floor lamp goes on to hit the vase...

vase moves into the crystal balls making them hitting into each other...
last crystal ball from righsidet rolls from the plate and falls from sideboard...

crystal ball falls on top of the cabinet dislay and rolls hitting the glass...

the glass rotate in direction of another glass...

the second glass falls as soon the first glass hits on it...

the second glass falls into a book that queen up with other books

soon after the first book stars to move and touch the book in front, all of the other books falls in domino effect...the last book goes on to touch the ball...

making the ball roll over a romote control...activating the radio controlled car

the car moves very fast, speeding up with no control doing the zig zag effect turning then in direction of the table leg and hitting with bo much powerfull tha that table moves...

on top of the table there 's a chessboard whit pieces alond the table, because the controlled car hit the table and the table move off, the chess pieces begun moving into another starting from point A to point B...
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